Life as an Adventure


Life as an

Each one of us is on the adventure of a lifetime.

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We arrive on Planet Earth to learn the lessons we need in order to evolve. From the Soul's perspective, everything is a gift, ripe with opportunity for growth.

We arrive on Planet Earth to learn the lessons we need in order to evolve.

Dissatisfaction is a green light. The seeker is one who feels,“There must be something more!” and turns to look inside for answers. If this is you, you’ve come to the right place.

Acceptance of where you are right now

is the first step to creating a life you love.

Acceptance of where you are right now is the first step to creating a life you love.

You are Worthy

You are Worthy

Flourishing is an inside job.

To integrate and embody long-lasting growth takes courage, compassion, and people you can trust to hold you accountable.

If you are ready to uplift your existence, I am a friend on the way that leads to a life well lived. You are worthy of all the good things coming.

Sign up now and transform your life today

“The combination of well-being coaching and spiritual practice with Pat Sperry is a powerful way to realize your potential. This engagement is comprehensive, holistic, and a catalyst to spiritual and material abundance.”

- Kyle Germaine

My Story
My Story
My Story
My Story
My Story
My Story
As a boy, I had a wall of blue ribbons.

As a boy, I had a wall of blue ribbons.

I hit grand-slam home runs to win championship baseball games and sang lead vocals in a rock band. I was fearless, exuberant, and all in. I experienced that dedication and belief in myself paid off.

Originally from Chicago, I attended the University of Michigan on an athletic scholarship where I played 4 years of varsity soccer and studied filmmaking. After graduation, I followed my passion for writing and recording music to Los Angeles where I cut two albums with big time producers and became David Beckham’s body double…

Pretty groovy, right?

Yet, my need to “be the best,” rather than “be my best,” inevitably wore me down. A lifetime of striving became exhausting.

Somewhere along the way, I lost the joy in my journey.

I was living what looked like a great life. But, deep inside I was dissatisfied. In my heart, I knew there must be more…

On a fateful Spring afternoon, my friend Brian dropped by and lent me his favorite yoga DVD. I put it on, pressed play, and an hour later my life was changed.

Yet, my need to “be the best,” rather than “be my best,”
Yogic, Buddhist, Taoist, and Reiki lineages

Yogic, Buddhist, Taoist, and Reiki lineages

Two weeks passed and I was registered for a 200-hour yoga training course. 14 years later, I am a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher with thousands of hours of education and have studied and taught around the world.

From 2016-2019, I spent 4 years adventuring through India, China, and Southeast Asia seeking Masters on the path of Self-discovery. I stayed in temples, ashrams, and monasteries immersed in sadhana (spiritual practice) and was initiated into ancient Yogic, Buddhist, Taoist, and Reiki lineages. I was a pilgrim to many holy places. Upon return, I enrolled in the College of Executive Coaching and founded Flourish Well-Being

Whole-hearted living

It is by my playful, passionate and committed practice that I discovered my mission to serve and empower people to flourish by being an example of integrated and embodied whole-hearted living.

Like all of us, the story of my life is a tapestry of highs and lows, successes and setbacks, heartbreaks and hallelujahs. I’ve made mistakes along the way and continue to stumble. However, I recognize that the most challenging moments in my life prove to be my greatest teachers.

Whole-hearted living

“Be grateful for whatever comes, because all has been sent as a guide from beyond.”

- Rumi

You are supported

In every great story, a hero encounters guides, mentors, and gift givers along the way who prepare them for the mental, physical, or emotional hurdles they must overcome to achieve their goals. You are the hero in your own great adventure. I am here to guide and support you to live a life you love.