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Devotion in Action

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Yoga Made for You

Yoga Made for You

Yoga is for everyone. It is a universal vehicle for Self-discovery that ultimately reveals the deepest truth of who you are. It is a path that leads to self-love, robust health, and peace of mind.

As a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher, my mission is to make yoga accessible and enjoyable. With 14 years of teaching experience, I ensure every student safely navigates their practice to bring harmony and balance to their being.

Whether you’re casual and curious, or committed and all in, I am here to ignite your love for the art of yoga!

Iyengar Yoga

What is Iyengar Yoga?

“Yoga is the union of body with the mind and of mind with the soul.”
- BKS Iyengar

Iyengar Yoga is based on the teachings of world-renowned guru, B.K.S. Iyengar, and focuses on three key aspects: precision in alignment, innovative sequencing, and timing. The use of props such as blankets, blocks and straps is common in the Iyengar methodology. This approach allows people of varying levels of health, fitness and age to discover the benefits of a sustained yoga practice.

Certified Iyengar Yoga Teachers (CIYTs) undergo thorough training and evaluation. IYNAUS (Iyengar Yoga National Association of United States) credentials indicate the highest standards of teacher education, experience and expertise. Only CIYTs are allowed to describe their classes as “Iyengar Yoga.”

“Yoga does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees.” 

- BKS Iyengar

Yoga mede for you

What are the benefits of a continued yoga practice?

Yoga Offerings


Personal Instruction

Available for one-on-one and small group classes.


Therapeutics and modifications:
Custom care to support healing and recovery from injury or illness.

New to yoga:
Learn at your own pace and build a foundation for a healthy, long-term practice.

On your own time:
Plan classes according to your schedule.


Personal Retreat

San Diego, California 2 Nights, 3 Days


Big transformation is possible through immersive experience. Dive deep into a world of well-being through a customized, one-on-one, all-inclusive retreat with Pat Sperry.


1 year Journey

Awake Your Soul


Sadhana means “spiritual practice” and focuses on the steps one can take to reach a state of union with the higher Self. For those who are earnest and sincere, enroll to receive a robust spiritual practice specifically designed for you to learn how to use everything in your life as a tool for awakening.




Foundations of Freedom

Foundations of Freedom

with Pat Sperry


ReUnify Yoga, Ocean Beach, California


This workshop will explore the philosophical and physical foundations of how to create a healthy, safe, and long-enduring yoga practice. All levels welcome!

Explore Flourish Well-Being

Explore Flourish Well-Being

for online classes and in-person events


Pat founded Flourish in May 2021 with the intention to align with world-class well-being practitioners to create dynamic transformational experiences to empower you on your journey to love big and live with purpose.


Patrick Sperry is an extraordinarily talented and inspirational yoga teacher. He has a way of teaching that makes you want to learn more and do better. It’s a little like the best coach you ever had in sports…. The one who lovingly but firmly pushed you to do your best.

Doug Gleason

I have known Patrick for over a decade and studied with him for over 8 years. Quite simply, Pat is outstanding. I have practiced yoga seriously for 17 years and I have worked with some world renowned teachers. Pat’s classes are remarkable by comparison. Pat is clear and detailed in his instructions. He is challenging, yet gentle and cares deeply about his students. He pays close attention to each student’s poses and is excellent at accommodating those with special needs or injuries. The depth of his knowledge is exceptional. He has a terrific sense of humor and his classes are both serious and joyful.

S.A. Bachman

Pat is multi-layered and dynamic. Over the years, I’ve been fortunate to be his student and friend. He is kind, caring and loving while being energetic, inspiring and empowering. His sense of humility, gratitude and compassion is remarkable. He is a man of great integrity who is committed to his own growth as well as the growth of his students and friends.

Lauren Wittlin

I have been attending private zoom classes with Pat Sperry for over a year now. He is one of the best teachers I have had the pleasure of learning from. His knowledge of yoga and spirituality is as broad as it is deep. His knowledge paired with his verbal acuity allows Pat to guide practice online without sacrificing the minutiae that is vital in improving one's yoga. His ability to highlight minor adjustments to my poses over zoom is genuinely incredible (almost unnerving, it's that does he see these things!). Ontop of being a great teacher he is one of the warmest souls I have come across on this planet. He is kind, hilariously funny and an all round legend. Thank you Pat

Daniel Wright

Patrick blends traditional asanas (yogic poses) with such a depth of spiritual connection! It was like having my body do a meditation. I left his class feeling 5 inches taller and like every muscle had been awakened and worked. His languaging and instruction created such a spiritual connection for me. I left feeling deeply peaceful, centered and joyful. Patrick tailors the yoga to meet each person where they are.

Marigrace Gleason